It didn’t start off like the photo above. It was a winter day, almost ten years ago. My friend Nicole and I left Bologna for Venice on the early train. It was grey and chilly. We were taking the long way back to Torino, with a day, really just a few hours, to wander around Venice. It was quiet, decidedly not tourist season, and the cold kept everyone indoors.
Eventually the grey skies opened up and Venice became a magical snowy wonderland. I was dressed for warmer Northern Italian weather, wearing my purple oxfords with zero tread on the bottom, and I slid around like crazy on the cobbled streets and stone bridges.
I’ve been trying to organize my photo archives, and found myself revisiting this trip. It seems fitting to share these photos today, in Santa Fe, New Mexico, a world away, and almost a decade later, in the middle of a snowstorm. I went for a walk in the afternoon, and the snow was pelting down, hard and fast and wet, just like the snow in these photos, taken across the ocean.
Have you been to Venice? Have you been in the snow? What are your favorite spots? I would love to visit again for a bit longer, so send me all of your recommendations!
All photographs by me, Becca Grady.